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  • Coracle History at the heart of the Gorge

    Discover the origins of the Ironbridge Coracles

  • The fascinating Coracle stories exhibition

    A Wonderful piece of Ironbridge history

  • Have a Hands On go in a coracle

    Fancy having or go? Or how about building one!

  • The Ironbridge Coracle Regatta

    Coming soon!  The Ironbridge Coracle Regatta will be  on Monday 26th August 2024 11.00am – 4.00pm at Dale End Park / Ironbridge Rowing Club. 

The Ironbridge Coracle Trail

Find Us

The Ironbridge Coracle Trust has 3 places to visit in Ironbridge.

The Old Coracle Shed
The New Coracle Shed
The Coracle Man Sculpture

They are all Free!

Click the icons to explore the fascinating Coracle places and stories to hear in Ironbridge

What are Ironbridge Coracles?

Ironbridge Coracles are bowl shaped craft made from wood and covered with a waterproofed membrane. Traditionally used for transport, fishing …. and poaching!
They have been a central part of Ironbridge life for centuries.

Upcoming Events

Discover the world of Coracles and Coracle making from the world famous Ironbridge Gorge

  • Eusty Rogers

  • The New Coracle Shed

  • The Old Shed Interior

  • The Old Shed Today

  • Eustace Rogers (1970)