Coracle History at the heart of the Gorge
Discover the origins of the Ironbridge Coracles
Coracle History at the heart of the Gorge
Discover the origins of the Ironbridge Coracles
The fascinating Coracle stories exhibition
A Weird and Wonderful piece of Ironbridge history
Visit The New Coracle Shed

Find Us
The Ironbridge Coracle Trust has 3 places to visit in Ironbridge.
The Old Coracle Shed
The New Coracle Shed
The Coracle Man Sculpture
They are all Free!
Click the icons to explore the fascinating Coracle places and stories to hear in Ironbridge
New Coracle Shed
The New Coracle Shed has the Coracle Stories exhibition telling the extraordinary adventures of the coracle men of Ironbridge.
It’s Free!
Open Weds to Sun
9.00 to 15:00
Station Rd, Coalbrookdale TF8 7DR
Old Coracle Shed
The Old Coracle Shed is the last Coracle makers shed in England.
Peer through the window to imagine the lives of the river men of Ironbridge.
Peer through the window to imagine the lives of the river men of Ironbridge.
It’s Free!
Severn Side, Ironbridge, TF8
Coracle Man Sculpture
The Coracle Man Scuplture is found on the bank of the River Severn between the old and new shed.
It’s Free!
River Severn, Ironbridge, TF8

What are Coracles?
Ironbridge Coracles are bowl shaped craft made from wood and covered with a waterproofed membrane. Traditionally used for transport, fishing …. and poaching!
They have been a central part of Ironbridge life for centuries.
They have been a central part of Ironbridge life for centuries.